Odyssey X-Chain Validators - Phase 1

This document will explain the technical details of the Odyssey Chain Validator configuration.


Odyssey Chain will have a configuration of validators that keep all Odyssey subnets operational. A specified amount of validators will be required for each subnet for network operations and protocol reliability. All those who wish to partake in the open network protocol as an Odyssey validator will be able to do so by submission to our validator program on Odyssey Scan and staking the required amount of Odyssey Coin required.

Validator Requirements

Validator Basic Hardware & Software Requirements

Odyssey Chain is constructed with an exceptionally high throughput speed, demanding minimal energy for transaction validation, and ensuring network reliability. In contrast to PoW chains and even numerous PoS chains, Odyssey Chain combines the advantages of both worlds by achieving superior speed while requiring minimal energy resources to maintain optimal chain functionality.

  • CPU: Equivalent of 8 AWS vCPU

  • RAM: 16 GiB

  • Storage: 1 TiB

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 or MacOS >= 12

X-Chain Validator Minimum Staking & Uptime Requirement

  • The minimum amount that a validator must stake is 10,000 DIONE Coin

  • The minimum amount of time one can stake funds for validation is 2 weeks

  • The maximum amount of time one can stake funds for validation is 1 year

A validator will receive a staking reward if they are online and response for more than 80% of their validation period, as measured by a majority of validators, weighted by stake. You should aim for your validator be online and responsive 100% of the time.

Operating a Traditional Validator Node on Odyssey X-Chain

Operating a traditional validator node on Odyssey Chain can be highly rewarding and provides unique benefits that are not typically offered by other chains. The distribution of rewards to participating validators in the Odyssey Chain open-protocol is designed in a way that sets it apart. These supplementary rewards are particularly advantageous for validators during the initial phases of Odyssey Chain's development, as incentivizing their active participation and contribution to the network is of utmost importance.

Operating an Orion One Node on Odyssey X-Chain

In addition to the aforementioned advantages, running an Orion One validator node on Odyssey Chain instead of a traditional node can be highly lucrative, offering even more supplementary benefits compared to running a traditional validator node on Odyssey. The following benefits are provided below.

Validator Operator Rewards & Benefits

Below is the gas fee transaction breakdown that illustrates the lucrative rewards validators will earn for contributing to the Odyssey Chain protocol.

Odyssey Chain Validation Rewards Starting September 1, 2023 - August 29, 2026

Validator TypeGas Priority Fee RewardsGas Base Fee Rewards

Manual/Cloud Validator

100% of Priority Gas Fee

50% of Base Fee Rewards

Orion One Validator

100% of Priority Gas Fee

55% of Base Fee Rewards

Odyssey Chain Validation Rewards Starting September 1, 2026

Validator TypeGas Priority Rewards

Manual/Cloud Validator

100% of Priority Gas Fee

25% of Base Fee Rewards

Orion One Validator

100% of Priority Gas Fee

30% of Base Fee Rewards

Last updated