How to Stake Dione
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Last updated
Please ensure you read all terms and details of the Dione Staking Program before connecting your wallet to stake your Dione tokens.
Go to your wallet app's network option (in Metamask you can add a new network) and click the dropdown button.
Navigate to the bottom of your assets page of your wallet and click the "Import Tokens" link so you can add the test Dione token to your wallet (if you don't already have it)
Next, copy & paste the following test Dione Token contract address information.
Test Dione Contract: 0x89b69f2d1adffa9a253d40840b6baa7fc903d697 Symbol: DIONE Decimal: 9
Next, click "Add custom token" button followed by "Import".
Visit our staking platform here and navigate to the top right-hand corner of the screen and click "Connect Wallet"
Staking Platform URL:
Select the wallet you want to connect to the staking contract by selecting the Wallet type and then clicking the "Connect Wallet" button again.
Once the popup shows from Metamask select the proper wallet address that holds your Dione tokens and click "Next". The next screen will ask you to "connect" your wallet to the staking contract. Click "Connect"
Anytime your wallet interacts with a new smart contract, you must first "approve" the transaction before you can start initiating transactions with the new contract on-chain.
Next, click "I agree to the Terms of Service..." and then click the "Approve" button. This is necessary in order to enable the ability to interact with our staking contract on-chain.
Your wallet should display a popup and ask you to approve the transaction from within your decentralized wallet, click the "Approve" button to pay the small transaction fee to continue. If you have the newer MetaMask version, you will be prompted with a "spending limit" this is just a new security feature MetaMask has released that whatever amount you approve, when you make a subsequent transaction it won't exceed the amount. So it is best to set the spending cap as "max" in case you intend to stake most or all of your Dione in the future. If you only want to stake a specific amount of Dione then you can enter the max amount of Dione you would like to stake.
Ensure you have enough ETH (gas) in your wallet in order to stake your Dione. If you do not have the required amount of ETH as gas for transaction fees then the transaction will fail.
After approving, wait a few seconds and the approval button will change to say "Stake Dione".
Click 'Stake Dione" and then click the "Confirm" button in the wallet when it pops up.
After clicking "confirm", the Dione Dashboard will update with all of your calculations of your staked Dione. You can always "connect your same wallet to this page to review time accrued and what rewards you have accumulated.
Please always remember to "disconnect" your wallet manually when you are not checking the dashboard, this is important to practice for good security.
Click on the three bubbles to manage your connected sites and then click "disconnect". Make this a normal habit anytime you are connecting with Web3 applications.
If you ever want to check your staking progress, you can always return to the staking page and connect your wallet. The dashboard will reflect all updated calculations from the day you started staking.
Log any issues or bugs by visiting: and we will do our best to solve anu issues as quickly as possible!